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So now we are going to look at stopping climate and achieve what we call “Drawdown”. Stopping climate change is necessary if we want to have a better future. If you think about it, everything we do is connected back to climate change. Our water, our food, our air, our health, our economy, our security are all connected to weather and climate. If we don’t fix climate change all of the other things we care about in the future are going to be a lot harder. We need to address climate change in order to have a better future with a prosperous economy with resilience, equity, justice and creativity. I am a facilitator for Project Drawdown, which is the world’s leading resource for climate solutions. We focus on the science we need to know to address climate change and then share it with the world. But why do we use the word “Drawdown”? What does that even mean?

Well Drawdown refers to a point in time to the future refers to the greenhouse gases in the air. If you remember that I told you in a previous article that greenhouse gases have been building up in the atmosphere. At the path were on now we will continue to build up these gases, which will just warm the planet more making the problem worse. But we don’t have to do that! We can bend the curve which means reversing the curb of growing greenhouse gases. So Drawdown is the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline thereby halting climate change. As a facilitator of Project Drawdown our job is to help the world stop global warming by achieving Drawdown as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. So how do we get there?

But first we are going to have to learn a tiny bit of science. It won’t be too hard though. But it’s the stuff we really need to know to move forward on climate solutions.

So first of all, what are greenhouse gases? So you know that greenhouse gases have let in the sun’s heat and they trap the earth’s heat as earth is radiating out to outer space. So basically they trap heat and the more gases means the more heat. That’s why the planet is warming up. It turn out that the earth already had natural greenhouses gases before we came along. There were natural greenhouse gases such as water vapor and a little bit of carbon dioxide and a few other things that have been there for millions if not billions of years of our history. But they we got these things called “anthropogenic” greenhouse gases or human greenhouse gases that we’ve been adding on top of that and those include more carbon dioxide C02 than was there before, more methane CH4, more Nitrous Oxide N20, They we added Fluorinated gases CFCs, HFCs and many other gases. We can see how they’ve been rising over the last decade. We have changed the nature of the earth’s atmosphere and added a human greenhouse effect on top of the natural green house effect and that’s where we are getting into trouble.

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