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A plant-based, herb and mineral drink that maintains your emotions

Joanna, a natural minded mama shares WHY the pink drink…Let's talk EMOTIONS & HORMONES!!

"Did you know that Insulin is a hormone? That's right, it's not just something that diabetics are concerned about. It's something that affects every single person on the planet, whether we realize it or not. And here's something REALLY fascinating: Insulin is the MASTER hormone in the body, meaning that Insulin affects every other hormone in the body. It "talks" to the other hormones, and so when it's balanced and healthy, you can imagine that what it says to the other hormones is also balanced, calm, reassuring. Our minds feel more clear, our thoughts aren't racing with anxiety and stress.

But when it's not balanced, that's when we feel like we are riding an emotional roller coaster! Abnormally high or low blood sugar can affect emotions. Unusually low blood sugar - also known as hypoglycemia - can cause feelings of anxiety and confusion. Hypoglycemia can also make it hard to complete routine tasks and can lead to abnormal behavior. High blood glucose, on the other hand, can cause fatigue.Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia), and when it's off-balance is when the "hangry", the "Mom-zilla", the "mom-bie" can come out - all those T-shirts you know?! That make us feel understood but yet, who wants to be a Mom-zilla?! Not me!!

There is an explanation though! Your brain, the center of your thoughts and emotions, needs glucose to do its job. If you don't have enough glucose to “feed your brain,” your brain can go “haywire”. Even though it seems like you are overly emotional, this is really a physical response to low BG (hypoglycemia). This is purely physical, but it affects so much of our lives!

This was so enlightening for me when I first realized all of this. YES, I'm 100% still responsible for my actions and responses; but realizing that the state of my body directly affects my hormones and therefore my emotions was HUGE for me, AND there was something I could do about it!

For myself, the pink drink has been life-changing in that way. It's basically the closest thing to a glitter rainbow or magic unicorn I've ever found in my life. It's a plant-based, herb and mineral drink that feeds our bodies from the inside out. It's not a bandaid, it's not medication, it's not a quick fix. It's natural ingredients that help to balance my blood sugar, it also helps to balance my hormones, and therefore even helps my emotions. You better believe I am drinking up the pink drink these days!! Balancing blood sugar and helping to reduce inflammation are two huge power-forces in the human body.

Let's change that "Mom-zilla" to "Happy Mama." Amen?!"

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